Lake County Fair visitors are welcome to stop by!

All Lake County Fair goers are welcomed to stop and say hi to us this week. Our booth, which is in the Commercial/Community Building, is scheduled to be manned with FH Staff and FH Volunteers from Noon-9 pm each day. We hope that all children attending the fair will stop in our booth, sign their name to a “Hands are not for Hitting” Hand and hang it on our Good Citizen Line. Adults are encouraged to sign a hand as well, being a Good Citizen has no age limit.  See you at the Fair!







The Supper Bowl is back!

Okay kids, we’re official, Sunday – September 7th at Matchworks (Hellriegel’s

was booked that Sunday), doors open at noon or 12:30, game starts at 1. Any and all donations would be helpful, if you didn’t ask someone last time please ask this time (this is going to be a little tough for me as we just came off of the reverse raffle). I love this event because it’s an easy one, won’t need much help. If any staff would like to attend and can’t afford the $25, I think it would be fine to pay the $15 we’ll owe Matchworks (they will not be able to join in on the draw for Brown’s tickets though).
As usual, restaurant gift certs (every time you go out to eat, aske for a $20 gift cert – chances are they will) and any other donations are welcomed so let me know if you have anything. This is never a hard sell as the ticket price is low and we only need around 100- 150 people. Let me know if anyone has samples, donations, gift cards – please feel free to share my Facebook post and distribute it to you friends. Advanced ticket sales are key, if you need tickets just let me know and I’ll mail or deliver a batch.
Super Bowl Party

The United Way Day of Caring Team from Avery Dennison

An extra big THANK YOU to the United Way Day of Caring Team from Avery Dennison who spent the day with us on June 25th! Josh Bogner, Kyle Rhodes, Frankie Masters, Mike Webster, James Baker, Henry Milliman, Dave Berrows, Susan Rhodes and Ryan Lose were originally scheduled to paint and complete yard work outside, but Mother Nature took care of that with a steady rainfall. However, instead of canceling the Avery Dennison Team’s opportunity to help us out at Forbes House completely, the team, along with Interim Director Jeanne Myers, decided to move inside and work on the shelter’s playroom.

And work they did! Large toy bins were emptied and toys were checked for missing or cracked pieces and discarded if considered a safety hazard. In addition, every toy was sanitized, sorted and placed with similar items in freshly washed bins and containers. Puzzles and games were organized, as were books on the shelves. It was a long, laborious job, but the AD Team never lost their sense of humor or sense of purpose. The playroom absolutely shined after they were done. Great work Avery Dennison and Thank You from a grateful clientele and staff!

Sometime during the morning the rain stopped and some of the AD Team headed outside to weed the playground and address cleanup of the property. As an unexpected bonus the AD Team was joined by five other AD employees – Scott Noerr, Matthew Wilkinson, Bryan Zelinski, Barry Hilborn and Brad Springer – who had just completed their own volunteer project elsewhere and came over to pitch in at Forbes House. The combined AD Team not only eliminated all the weeds in the playground, but also edged the entire area and smoothed out the pea gravel. Tree branches that were hanging low over the fence along the driveway and over the dumpster were trimmed back, leaf piles were removed, and a window well was cleaned out. For good measure the AD Team put down soil and seeded bare spots where they thought it was needed. Thanks for dressing the place up for us Avery Dennison!

Forbes House would also like to especially thank United Way of Lake County for sponsoring Day of Caring year after year and, of course, the Avery Dennison Corporation for encouraging employee participation in this worthwhile community endeavor. Forbes House appreciated the opportunity Wednesday to be a recipient of this generous partnership.

Frankie Masters, a United Way Day of Caring volunteer from Avery Dennison, sorts blocks into  piles as part of her team’s project to clean up the playroom at Forbes House.

Frankie Masters, a United Way Day of Caring volunteer from Avery Dennison, sorts blocks into
piles as part of her team’s project to clean up the playroom at Forbes House.

Josh Bogner of Avery Dennison reaches for the second part of a plastic toy at Forbes House on the United Way Day of Caring on June 25.

Josh Bogner of Avery Dennison reaches for the second part of a plastic toy at Forbes House on the United Way Day of Caring on June 25.

Avery Dennison’s Mike Webster, left, and Susan Rhodes replace a bin in the playroom after  empting it of a jumble of toys and thoroughly washing it.

Avery Dennison’s Mike Webster, left, and Susan Rhodes replace a bin in the playroom after
empting it of a jumble of toys and thoroughly washing it.

Day of Caring volunteer Ryan Lose organizes children’s books in the Forbes House playroom.

Day of Caring volunteer Ryan Lose organizes children’s books in the Forbes House playroom.

Kyle Rhodes, an Avery Dennison employee volunteering on Day of Caring at Forbes House, helps organize the shelter playroom.

Kyle Rhodes, an Avery Dennison employee volunteering on Day of Caring at Forbes House, helps organize the shelter playroom.

Ryan Lose takes a break from book duty and tries to organize Legos and other small toy pieces.

Ryan Lose takes a break from book duty and tries to organize Legos and other small toy pieces.

Day of Caring volunteer Frankie Masters stocks a kid’s book in the Forbes House playroom.

Day of Caring volunteer Frankie Masters stocks a kid’s book in the Forbes House playroom.

James Baker from Avery Dennison headed outside once the rain stopped and started working on ridding the playground of weeds and clover (and the resulting bees) as part of United Way Day of Caring.

James Baker from Avery Dennison headed outside once the rain stopped and started working on ridding the playground of weeds and clover (and the resulting bees) as part of United Way Day of Caring.

Volunteer Mike Webster moved out of the playroom and onto the playground once the rain clouds said good-bye.

Volunteer Mike Webster moved out of the playroom and onto the playground once the rain clouds said good-bye.

Henry Milliman of Avery Dennison tackles stubborn weeds growing under the swing set on the  playground at Forbes House on United Way’s Day of Caring.

Henry Milliman of Avery Dennison tackles stubborn weeds growing under the swing set on the
playground at Forbes House on United Way’s Day of Caring.

Dave Berrow, an Avery Denison Day of Caring volunteer, rakes leaves around the grounds at Forbes House.

Dave Berrow, an Avery Denison Day of Caring volunteer, rakes leaves around the grounds at Forbes House.

Avery Dennison employee Josh Bogner gives up sorting Legos in the playroom for raking up  weeds at Forbes House during the United Way Day of Caring on June 25th.

Avery Dennison employee Josh Bogner gives up sorting Legos in the playroom for raking up weeds at Forbes House during the United Way Day of Caring on June 25th.

Avery Dennison volunteer Brad Springer and four of his buddies help Avery Dennison’s Day of  Caring Team at Forbes House work on the playground after finishing up their own Day of Caring job elsewhere.

Avery Dennison volunteer Brad Springer and four of his buddies help Avery Dennison’s Day of
Caring Team at Forbes House work on the playground after finishing up their own Day of Caring job elsewhere.

Volunteer Bryan Zelinski of Avery Dennison jumps into the fight against weeds at Forbes House  on the United Way Day of Caring on June 25th .

Volunteer Bryan Zelinski of Avery Dennison jumps into the fight against weeds at Forbes House
on the United Way Day of Caring on June 25th.

Matthew Wilkinson is one of five Avery Dennison Day of Caring volunteers who completed  their job at another agency and then offered their services to Avery Dennison Day of Caring  volunteers working the day at Forbes House.

Matthew Wilkinson is one of five Avery Dennison Day of Caring volunteers who completed their job at another agency and then offered their services to Avery Dennison Day of Caring volunteers working the day at Forbes House.

Day of Caring volunteer Scott Noerr of Avery Dennison assesses the weed situation on the  Forbes House playground on June 25th Caring Team working at the shelter following completion of their own project. . Noerr and four others came to help out the Day of

Day of Caring volunteer Scott Noerr of Avery Dennison assesses the weed situation on the Forbes House playground on June 25th
Caring Team working at the shelter following completion of their own project. Noerr and four others came to help out the Day of Caring Team working at the shelter following completion of their own project.

The United Way Day of Caring volunteers from Avery Dennison - James Baker, left to right,  Henry Milliman, Dave Berrow, Kyle Rhodes, Susan Rhodes, Frankie Masters, Ryan Lose, Josh  Bogner and Mike Webster - end their busy day at Forbes House by posing on the now weed- free playground many of them worked on once the rain stopped on June 25th. Some of the  team stayed inside shelter and finished their project in the playroom. Thanks volunteers for a job  well done!

The United Way Day of Caring volunteers from Avery Dennison – James Baker, left to right, Henry Milliman, Dave Berrow, Kyle Rhodes, Susan Rhodes, Frankie Masters, Ryan Lose, Josh Bogner and Mike Webster – end their busy day at Forbes House by posing on the now weed- free playground many of them worked on once the rain stopped on June 25th. Some of the team stayed inside shelter and finished their project in the playroom. Thanks volunteers for a job well done!

Another United Way Day of Caring Team of volunteers stops by Forbes House June 25th a hand to fellow Avery Dennison employees already working on projects at the shelter. The  bonus team includes (left to right) Scott Noerr, Matthew Wilkinson, Bryan Zelinski, Barry Wilborn  and Brad Springer. Thanks for pitching in!  to lend

Another United Way Day of Caring Team of volunteers stops by Forbes House June 25th to lend
a hand to fellow Avery Dennison employees already working on projects at the shelter. The bonus team includes (left to right) Scott Noerr, Matthew Wilkinson, Bryan Zelinski, Barry Wilborn and Brad Springer. Thanks for pitching in!

Thanks to the efforts of the Avery Dennison Day of Caring volunteers, Forbes House now  boasts a perfectly organized and sanitized playroom for children. Day of Caring is an annual  campaign of United Way of Lake County promoting volunteerism and helping others.

Thanks to the efforts of the Avery Dennison Day of Caring volunteers, Forbes House now boasts a perfectly organized and sanitized playroom for children. Day of Caring is an annual campaign of United Way of Lake County promoting volunteerism and helping others.

Forbes House has a pristine playground for children to play on thanks to two teams of Day of  Caring volunteers from Avery Dennison. The volunteers also raked leaves on the property,  added top soil and grass seed where needed and trimmed trees along the driveway for good  measure.

Forbes House has a pristine playground for children to play on thanks to two teams of Day of Caring volunteers from Avery Dennison. The volunteers also raked leaves on the property, added top soil and grass seed where needed and trimmed trees along the driveway for good measure.