October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

On October 2nd, Forbes House and Tackle Domestic Violence partnered to host Purple Light Nights, which was created to kick start Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The event was held in Downtown Willoughby, where the city illuminated the streets with purple lights, local bars served purple beverages, and community members participated in theWalk to Remember. This event promoted awareness about the severity of domestic violence, remembered those who have lost their lives, shared resourceful information for current survivors, and provide hope for people who may still be living in an abusive situation. To read more about the Walk to Remember and how Tackle Domestic Violence was inspired, please visit the following link to read the News Herald article.

To continue to help raise awareness about domestic violence, you can wear purple throughout the month of October, visit Forbes House and Tackle Domestic Violence , and like the Facebook pages for each organization. Forbes House has a 24/7 helpline, which can be reached at (440) 357-1018, to assist with answering any questions or helping in a crisis situation.

Tackle Domestic Violence - October 2nd      purple lights - Willoughby

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the state of Ohio

Greetings Forbes House Friends and Survivors,

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the state of Ohio as a resolution from Ohio Governor John Kasich and Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor. According to a report provided by the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services (OJCS), sexual assault–violence continues to increase, and awareness is more critical than ever.  Please see the attached information regarding statistics as reported by an OJCS researcher.


From the desk of the Governor of Ohio

Sexual assault Ohio statistics



From the Desk of the Executive Director. Did you know…?

Forbes House provides a safe haven for individuals who are victims of domestic violence, and is one stop along the journey of regaining self-control. Along the road to becoming whole again, as well as refraining from being re-victimized, it’s very important to remain vigilant regarding evident signs of an abuser’s sincere desire to change their abusive behavior.

Lundy Bancroft, author of “Why does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men”, provides a list of changes to look for that may  indicate an abuser is making progress in his/her recovery, and the place to start to measure change.

Signs an Abuser Can Change

  •       Admitting fully to what he/she has done
  •       Stopping excuse-making
  •       Making amends
  •       Accepting responsibility and recognizing that abuse is a choice
  •       Not declaring themselves “cured,” but rather accepting that overcoming abusiveness is a decades-        long process
  •       Demonstrating respectful, kind, and supportive behaviors
  •       Not blaming their partner or children for the consequences of their actions
  •       Changing how they respond to their partner or former partner’s anger and grievances
  •       Not demanding credit for improvements they’ve made

Can Abusers Change?

2015 Winter Volunteer Training Program

Forbes House is excited to announce our upcoming Volunteer Training Program which will be held on Friday afternoons, March 13th and March 20th from 12 PM to 5 PM and March 27th from 12 PM to 6 PM.

This meaningful training is comprised of a total of 16 hours over three training dates and provides an educational experience of the services offered by our shelter and our promotion of community awareness of the plight of domestic violence victims.  Refreshments will be provided, and Certificates of Completion are available at the end of the training.

Volunteerism is a true gift from the heart for which no words of thanks are ever adequate.  The support of our community is vital to the success of our mission, and we are truly grateful for those who selflessly give of their own precious time to help our cause.  There are many volunteer opportunities available from guidance with life skills to outside event assistance.  We encourage volunteers to share what they enjoy and excel at doing when volunteering.  If you or someone you know is interested in helping your community, please complete our Volunteer Application Form at http://forbeshouse.wfcstaging.com/volunteer-application/.  For more information, please e-mail us at info@forbeshouse.wfcstaging.com.

Please join our cause to end the suffering caused by domestic violence.