2015 Winter Volunteer Training Program

Forbes House is excited to announce our upcoming Volunteer Training Program which will be held on Friday afternoons, March 13th and March 20th from 12 PM to 5 PM and March 27th from 12 PM to 6 PM.

This meaningful training is comprised of a total of 16 hours over three training dates and provides an educational experience of the services offered by our shelter and our promotion of community awareness of the plight of domestic violence victims.  Refreshments will be provided, and Certificates of Completion are available at the end of the training.

Volunteerism is a true gift from the heart for which no words of thanks are ever adequate.  The support of our community is vital to the success of our mission, and we are truly grateful for those who selflessly give of their own precious time to help our cause.  There are many volunteer opportunities available from guidance with life skills to outside event assistance.  We encourage volunteers to share what they enjoy and excel at doing when volunteering.  If you or someone you know is interested in helping your community, please complete our Volunteer Application Form at http://forbeshouse.wfcstaging.com/volunteer-application/.  For more information, please e-mail us at info@forbeshouse.wfcstaging.com.

Please join our cause to end the suffering caused by domestic violence.